[su_spoiler title=”Is there car parking?” open=”yes”]There is limited parking available at the club.
Please park on the surrounding side streets when the URFC car park is full. It would be much appreciated if you did not obstruct driveways of the local residents – and please be aware that a local bus service runs on Nevill Road throughout the day and needs enough room to pass parked cars.
The map shows our exact location.

Turn off London Road into Brown’s Lane and proceed down the hill, past Tesco Express. Turn left onto Nevill Road, then take a right onto Oakwood Drive – the Club is located at the bottom of this road.
GPS Co-ordinates for the Club are: 50.9779396,0.1116700 [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”When is the bar open?”]
Saturday – 13.30hrs on Match Days
Sunday – 12.00hrs – 16.00hr
All opening times may vary depending on Matches and Sky coverage of Rugby
For bookings/hire please email social@urfc.co.uk[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Are dogs allowed?”] Dogs are very welcome at the Club.
They must be on a lead in the Clubhouse, and it goes without saying that you need to immediately clean up all dog foul.
There are some lovely walks in the woodland and along the river that sits alongside the grounds of the club. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Can we sponsor the club?”]
For a small, family orientated club, we rely on sponsorship, and as such we are extremely grateful for any type of sponsorship, be it small or large, or even the loan of equipment when working on the clubhouse or the grounds.
For more details, please contact our Sponsorship Director, Mr Robbie Cannon on 07917 326236
To give you a flavour please see below various options of how we advertise our sponsors.
match balls, match day programmes, team playing shirts (this goes from our 1st XV down to our minis/juniors and ladies squads, training kit, kit bags
large signage boards around the main playing pitch, option to logo all the flags, post covers, training bags
Advertising on our website (with designated links to your website), our fixtures booklet and any Dinner Dance or Balls that we hold.
The Club also has the option of sponsoring specific players.
Alternatively, you could sponsor the staff that work in the kitchen or on the bar.
Depending upon the type of sponsorship, you may be entitled to RFU tickets to home/international games.
Upon becoming a sponsor, you will be invited to specific lunches held on 1st XV home games.
[su_spoiler title=”Where can I find information on HeadCase?”]
The HEADCASE Essential Guide provides details of the programme and key information including concussion rates in rugby union, potential short/medium and long-term problems and the effects of second impact syndrome.
The HEADCASE FAQ provides answers to common enquires regarding managing concussions including repeated concussions and what should be be expected of Health Care Professional following a suspected concussion.
Sport related concussion is a traumatic brain injury resulting from a blow to the head or body which results in forces being transmitted to the brain. This typically presents as a rapid onset of short-lived impairment of brain function that resolves spontaneously.
This impairment results from a functional disturbance, rather than a structural injury, and no abnormality is seen on standard hospital scans. A range of signs and symptoms are typically seen, affecting the player’s thinking, memory, mood, behaviour, level of consciousness, and various physical effects. Clear loss of consciousness occurs in less than 10% of cases.
Recovery typically follows a sequential course over a period of days or weeks, although in some cases symptoms may be prolonged.
A more detailed definition and description can be found in the 5th Concussion in Sport Consensus Paper.
How common is concussion in rugby?
Concussions occur in everyday life and not just in sport. As a contact sport, rugby does involve frequent body impacts and a risk of accidental head impacts, and therefore a significant potential risk of concussion.
According to the data collected through the RFU’s Community Injury Surveillance & Prevention Programme (CRISP) in age grade rugby (age 15 – 18) the most recent rate shown equates to 1 concussion per team every 10 games and 1 concussion per team every 25 games in adult male rugby. In professional rugby it is 1 every 2-3 team games.
The rise in the rates seen since 2012/13 are almost certainly due to the increased awareness and the much lower threshold for suspecting concussion, and reflect the success of the awareness and education programmes, and media coverage.
The RFU recognises that concussion is an important player welfare issue in rugby, and takes its responsibilities very seriously. The RFU has a comprehensive risk management strategy which covers the key priorities of:
• Education & Awareness,
• Prevention,
• Management,
• Research,
• Communication.
The strategy is managed and monitored by the RFU Concussion Risk Management Group, The Group is supported by an Independent Concussion Expert Panel advising on concussion policy and monitoring emerging research, and the Economist Health Intelligence Unit who, on a six-monthly basis, provide summaries of all research published, and a qualitative analysis of the key studies.