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- Adults and children must never use the same facilities to shower or change at the same time.
- Adults must only enter the changing rooms when absolutely necessary due to poor behaviour, injury or illness.
- Adults must only ever enter the changing rooms by themselves in an emergency and when waiting for another adult could result in harm to a child. The door must be left open.
- If children need supervising in changing rooms, or coaches or managers need to enter, then this must involve 2 individuals, one of whom must be DBS valid.
- Timetables must be set up if adults and children are to be using the changing facilities on the same day.
- Girls and boys must have separate changing facilities.
- Changing Room doors should be clearly labelled before travelling teams arrive formini/junior teams.
- Anything or anyone acting suspiciously should be reported to a member of the Committee/Safeguarding Officerimmediately.
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